After the marathon of cooking and eating last week, soup has tremendous appeal.
Next week, on November 4 to be precise, Lady Elinor’s Wicked Adventures will make its debut. To whet your appetite, I thought I would write about something Our Heroine might have eaten while she was off having her adventures.
There was a story last week in The New York Times about some French chefs who want to return ortolans to the traditional menu. Ortolans are small songbirds, and they have been banned from restaurant menus since 1999. The ban may have been a conservation measure to keep the tiny birds from being hunted out of existence, or it may have been a reaction to the way the birds is prepared and eaten.
This post has nothing to do with history or writing. It’s about cooking, another love of mine.
Or rather, in honor of a recent spell of miserably hot, humid weather, about not cooking, as in salad.